I’m a PhD Student at the Linguistic Department at Georgetown University. My interests include robust representations of language, how humans and statistical learners generalize to novel input, and language modeling beyond text prediction.

Before coming to Georgetown, I was NLP engineer at NCSOFT, where I worked on NLU and information extraction.

Outside of classes and assitantships, I like to participate in intramural sports as both player and coach, and attend free food events around campus.

You can reach me at jm3743@georgetown.edu.


Junghyun Min, Minho Lee, Woochul Lee, Yeonsoo Lee. Punctuation restoration improves structure understanding without supervision. RepL4NLP at NAACL 2025.

Junghyun Min, R. Thomas McCoy, Dipanjan Das, Emily Pitler, and Tal Linzen. Syntactic data augmentation increases robustness to inference heuristics. ACL 2020.

R. Thomas McCoy, Junghyun Min, and Tal Linzen. BERTs of a feather do not generalize together: Large variability in generalization across models with similar test set performance. BlackboxNLP at EMNLP 2020.

Education and work experience

Ph.D. student, Computational Linguistics, Georgetown University2024 -
NLP Engineer, NCSOFT2021 - 2024
M.A. Cognitive Science, Johns Hopkins University. Advised by Tal Linzen2019 - 2020
Data Analyst, Harford Community College2018 - 2019
B.S. Physics, B.A. Mathematics, Johns Hopkins University2014 - 2017