

I’m a PhD student (2024- ) at the Linguistics department. My concentration is in computational linguistics. Broadly, I’m interested in robust representations of structure in language. My past and current projects are outlined in research.

You can reach me at

Montserrat, 2024

Fall 2024

I am research assistant for Nathan Schneider, working on making updates to the Korean SNACS (Hwang et al. 2020) project to meet Universal Dependencies compatibility.

I also attend Ethan Wilcox’s PiCOL lab meetings, where I’m interested in considering information content of punctuation as prosodic markers.


I play for Korean Student Association soccer, often against GWU’s KSA.

I also play for MPP & MIDP in the Grad/Staff IM soccer league..

I intend to participate in the badminton doubles tournament, starting November.

I am also keen to, at some point in my Georgetown career, put together a team to represent the Linguistics department in an intramural tournament. So far, all my attempts (in soccer, softball, and flag football) have failed.